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Journal of Clinical Case Studies and Reviews (JCCSR)

A Case of RaktajaGranthi – Haemangioma

Case Report


Rashmi TM1, Sathish HS2,*, Thirunavukkarasu MS3

Department of Kayachikitsa, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, TMAE’s Society Ayurvedic Medical College, Shimoga, Karnataka
Department of ShalyaTantra, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, TMAE’s Society Ayurvedic Medical College, Shimoga, Karnataka
Department of Kayachikitsa, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu

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Corresponding Authors

Sathish HS,
E-mail: ayursathishhs@gmail.com

Received : November 10, 2020
Published : December 07, 2020


Granthi is term christened for benign lesions by Sushruta in his treatise, various types of Granthi can be cited in the text. Among them, raktajagranthi is a form which is congenital form of swelling wherein vascular malformation is the cause. A case of raktajagranthi which can be correlated to Haemangioma is being discussed in this article


Granthi is a term assigned in Ayurvedic treatises for benign lesions, there are numerous varieties of Granthi detailed in the texts and accordingly its management. Surgical excision is the main modality advocated for such Granthi. Here is a case of a girl child visited our OPD with swelling over the upper lip since birth slowly progressive in size.

Case Presentation

A 6 year old female patient visited the clinic with a complaint of painless swelling over the upper lip since 5 month of age and it is slowly progressive in size. The increase in size of the swelling is disturbing event to child and her parents as it was affecting the facial look of the child. Parents ignored the condition to be a simple swelling and neglected it, they haven’t consulted any doctor for this complaint. Parents reports to have consanguineous marriage. Clinical examination revealed, lesion was pale red, fluctuant and slightly elevated on the left side. The size of swelling is 2×1.5 cm as Shown in below Figure

Figure 1: Swelling over the Upper lip

The reduction of the swelling size on compression was confirmation for clinical diagnosis. Radio graphically, no involvement of any underlying bone structure and they were normal. After the confirmation of the diagnosis the patient was referred to a vascular surgeon for further course of action.

Various congenital ailments haunt the human kind and incidence of such ailments is on rise [1-3]. Haemangioma are the most common benign tumour encountered in clinical practice with 4 to 5% prevalence rate [4, 5]. Studies suggest various similarities in cases of haemangioma reported indicating a single lesion appearing most commonly on Head and Neck region. Haemangiomas are classified based on the type of fluid they contained like blood containing lesion, lymph containing lesion and also on the basis of size of the vascular channels as capillary and cavernous [6].

As per Ayurvedic doctrines, this condition is diagnosed and termed as Raktaja Granthi.  It has been described by Vagbhata in his Ashtanga Hridayam text. Ayurveda believes that such anomaly in a child is due to abnormalities of bija (Ovum & Sperms), Atmakarma(deeds of previous life), ashaya(uterus) and kala (time factor) and diet [7,8]. Matruja bhava are considered to be the reason behind this condition, as any abnormalities of above said factor afflicts the appearance, complexion and sense organ functioning of a child [9,10]. Consanguineous marriage is one of key factor behind this condition, as these marriages result in increase in the frequency of autosomal recessive diseases [7].


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