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Editor Guidelines

Editor Guidelines

Editors play a pivotal role in maintaining the scholarly academic journals to meet the aspirations of the scientific fraternity. Pragma journals in general open access journals in particular are the digital platforms in which the scholarly community aims to showcase their scholarly work to reach their academic and research goals. By strictly following the research ethics and framing the necessary policies, editors strive to set the benchmarks for the authors, reviewers, and publishers.

Editor or the editor in chief plays a central role in the development of the journal many ways.

Editor works closely with the publisher in implementing the editorial policies of the journal.

On receiving any manuscript, editor assesses it for basic manuscript guidelines and allows the QC team to assess its originality.

If the manuscript has a substantial amount of plagiarism, editor reverts the manuscript to the author for revision, and it will not be assigned for the review.

Editor assigns the manuscript for the peer-review after assessing the plagiarism and coordinates the entire review process.

From picking a suitable reviewer to getting the manuscript reviewed in order to meet the deadlines, editor plays a crucial role with constant follow-up with the reviewer and the author. ? The peer review process enhances the article quality. The editor therefore must encourage ethical research procedures such as date safety and security, maintaining the confidentiality related to the reviewer.

The editor must remain impartial, independent and transparent in discharging his duties.

Editor must declare conflict of interest if any while handling any manuscript and should abstain from decision making in cases where there is conflict of interest.

Editor must check whether or not the author followed the national and international laws related to clinical trial. ? Should safeguard the human, animal and environmental rights by checking with the author for permissions obtained from the competent.

Should take measures to safeguard the copyright holders. ? Editor's decision is final in accepting or rejecting the manuscript for publication.

Editor must check for the data abuse, theft, overlapping and duplications before considering any manuscript for publication.

Editor must work towards the development of the journal in every aspect by encouraging new trends.