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Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health

Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health (JCNH)

Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health (JCNH) is an open access, peer reviewed journal which involves the full spectrum of nutritional and Human Health and performs as a platform for distinguished researchers and physicians to publish their Latest and Advanced researches and findings, results that challenge the current models and principles and new models. Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health (JCNH) includes a wide range of fields in its discipline and publishes discoveries and current developments in the form of original articles, review articles, case reptrition, orts, short communications.

JCNH uses double blinded peer review process to publish high quality articles within different areas under including original research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, perspectives, editorials, letter to the editor, etc.

The peer review process is carried out by our experts in the editorial board and other eminent experts. In order for an manuscript to get published the article has to be approved by at least two or more independent reviewers followed by the editors approval for final acceptance.

Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health aims at providing Researchers, Students, Business entities, Academics and doctors with practical reviews and clinical information that will assist them in reviewing and updating their knowledge in the field of Nutrition and Health.

Pragma Journals ensures that the Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health leads towards a flagship journal in the field of Nutrition and Health, subjected to the same through high production standards and peer review process.

Latest Articles

Quality Attributes of Black Mulberry (Morus Nigara L.) with Ultraviolet Radiation Open Access Juice Treated

Article Type: Review Article

Kenan TUNÇ

After exposing the black mulberry juice to ultraviolet light with the intensity of 5, 10 and 20 kJ/m2, their quality analysis have been performed for 4 days at +4 °C and +25 °C. Within the current study the antioxidant activity, Total Phenolic Content (TPC), microbial charges and pH values of the samples have also been investigated. In the UV light exposed samples there existed no meaningful difference in the % DPPH radical scavenging activity level, a small amount of decrease has been detected in the TPC creation process. While the storage time worsens the DPPH activity, it affects the TPC positively. Microbial studies showed reduction in total mesophile aerobic microorganisms, yeasts and mould counts about by 1-log cycle on UV treatments. This is the first report on the effects of UV radiation on black mulberry.

DOI: 10.47755/2777-9688.2021.2.009

Dietary Profile and Prevalence of Hypertension in NIDDM

Article Type: Research Article

Vinita Kumari1 , Shivani2 and Murlidhar Meghwal3*

The study has been conducted for observing the dietary profile and prevalence of hypertension in NIDDM patients [1]. It is the study of patients out of 100 in which 50 were males and 50 females were selected to conduct the study. Hypertension (bp) is the very important risk factor for chronic disease burden in India. Studies of India have reported high prevalence of hypertension. The aim of this study was to examine, profile, nutritional content, education, food habits ,medicinal utilization of hypertension in NIDDM patients. Since food and dietary pattern of an individual have an important role to play in development, treatment or prevention of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The main criteria of the sample selection were non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus male and female age group between 40-60 years of age. Few selected individuals had controlled diabetes. Their diabetes was controlled by the following:

• Limitation their food intake

• Morning and evening walk

• Do the exercise

• Yoga and meditation

• Avoiding of any stress

Figure 1: (a) Jamun seeds (b) Karela & Juice

Taking medicinal herbs like methi seeds, bitter gourd (in powder form) or jamun seeds besides their regular medicine [2] (Figure 1).

They got their urine and blood sugar levels checked regularly, every 15 days or after a month). Some diabetic subjects were dependent only on medication to control their blood glucose levels and did not regulate their dietary intake and physical activity.

DOI: 10.47755/J Clin Nutr Health.2020.2.007

Ketogenic Diet for Human Health

Article Type: Review Article

Jyoti Goswami1 and Murlidhar Meghwal2*

Ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet in which energy source is ketones instead of glucose, which was initially designed to treat epilepsy but it proved in delivering many other health benefits including weight loss, fat loss, improves glucose and insulin levels, sometimes it results in skin glow and many others health benefits. Intake of ketogenic diet will place your body into a state of “ketosis”. A process when human body becomes a fat burner rather than sugar burner. The present study includes brief description about ketogenic diet and its types, history, biochemistry, its benefits and their side-effects


Prompt Improvement of Venous Leg Ulcers by Oral Administration of Fish Compound Peptides in a Man with Liver Cirrhosis and Diabetes: A Case Report

Article Type: Case Report

Chao Xing Wang1 and Yule Yue Wang2*

We report a case of a 47-year-old man with venous leg ulcers coexisting with liver cirrhosis and diabetes. The patient had received standard wound care for 12 weeks, but the leg ulcers were still worsening. Oral administration of fish compound peptides was used to reduce local protein catabolism and promote granulation tissue formation. The healthy granulation tissue was observed in the second week of nutritional intervention. The ulcers were constricted at the end of the third week. After eight weeks, the ulcers were completely healed. The case study demonstrated the positive impact of nutritional intervention with fish compound peptides in venous leg ulcers healing.


Green Tea Reduces Indomethacin-induced Damage in AGS Cells

Article Type: Research Article

Anirban Roy1*, Santanu Bhattacharjee1 , Tanmay Sarkar1 , Sirshendu Chatterjee2 and Runu Chakraborty1

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) disrupts mucosal defense through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) and depletion of endogenous prostaglandins, thus exerts its adverse effects. Tea flavonoids; catechins and its derivatives, in particular, are known to prevent various systemic diseases like ulcer, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes that occur due to oxidative stress. Green tea is the most abundant source of catechins and its derivatives. In the present study, we aimed to determine the dose dependent toxicity of conventional NSAIDs, indomethacin on cultured AGS cells using MTT assay and morphological deformities by DAPI and acridine orange/ethidium bromide (AO/EtBr) fluorescence staining where aqueous extract of green tea (aGTE) provided significant protection. In the future, aGTE will be useful in designing and development of a novel protective supplement against NSAIDs that have reduced gastrointestinal toxicity while maintaining their essential therapeutic efficacy to inhibit pain and inflammation.

DOI: 10.47755/2766-9688.1000102

Consequences of the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) among African Americans, Hispanics and Whites

Article Type: Research Article

Sara Albishi1*, Chimène Castor2 , Allan Johnson3 , Linda L. Thompson4 , Avis P. Graham5 and Dawanna Holly-James6

Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a combination of risk indicators that appear to promote the development of chronic diseases. It is also described as a group of risk factors that increase the chance of having heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the consequences of MetS among adult Whites, African Americans and Hispanics aged 40 years or more.

Methods: The proposed study used data abstracted from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2015-2016. The following variables were utilized: sociodemographic data (age, gender, marital status, educational level and household income); the criteria for MetS diagnosis (levels of blood pressure, fasting plasma blood glucose, blood triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, and waist circumference); and the consequences of MetS (coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes and prediabetes, overweight and obesity). The data were analyzed using SUDAAN software (RTI international, INC., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina). The relationship of MetS and its individual components to the consequences of MetS was compared among the three ethnic groups using chi-square and t-tests. The level of significance was 5%.

Results: The findings demonstrated that participants who were diagnosed with MetS criteria are more likely to have higher risk of the following consequences: Diabetes and prediabetes, overweight and obesity. The findings show that of all the ethnic groups evaluated, those who had high blood glucose levels were significantly more likely to be diagnosed at risk of diabetes and obesity.

Conclusions: Diabetes/Prediabeteswere found (considering the sentence-has a high association with high waist among Whites, African Americans and Hispanics. There is an assassination between high waist circumference levels and overweight/obese among all ethnic groups.

DOI: 10.47755/2766-9688.1000101

Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Health: Editor’s Note

Article Type: Editorial

Shanmugiah Arumugam1,*

DOI: 10.47755/2766-9688.1000103

Malnutrition Management in adults in times of Covid-19 Pandemic

Article Type: Short-Communication

Janice A. Padilla1* and Yodali Jiménez Fuentes2

DOI: 10.47755/2766-9688.1000104

The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthy Eating Habits

Article Type: Mini Review

Ikechukwu C. Esobi1*, M. K. Lasode2 and M.O. Flores Barriguete3

SARS-CoV-2 which is the causative agent of COVID-19 is a single-stranded RNA virus, commonly spread by respiratory droplets and human-to-human contact. The COVID-19 pandemic has compromised the eating habits of individuals making them vulnerable to food insecurity and triggering eating disorders in individuals at risk of these disorders causing severity or relapse.Extreme quarantine measures because of the COVID-19 pandemic have also contributed to the increase in the severity of eating disorders and altered eating habits. Thus, we review the implications of COVID-19 on eating habits. This study would serve as a foundation for further research on Covid-19 and its implications on healthy eating habits.

DOI: 10.47755/2766-9688.1000105